City1, state

    (xxx) xxx-xxxx

About Us

The Defense Expert uses a family safety and self defense program created by Dave Young, an internationally recognized defensive tactics trainer who has been training police, corrections and military professionals how to stay safe and defend themselves since 1980. Through his company, Arma Training, he offers over 50 professional training curricula to public safety professionals throughout the world.

Dave has experience as a police officer, corrections officer and security agent and, due to the neighborhoods in which he grew up, personal experience in defending himself and his family. He is also a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps.

Dave has been featured in People Magazine and on CNN. He also hosted the National Geographic documentary, Crash Test Human.

City1’s Defense Expert is the only school in this area certified by Dave Young in his family self defense systems.

This program is designed specifically for parents and their kids — with techniques that are quick to learn, easy to remember, and work within the physical capabilities of the person applying them. Students don’t need to be in-shape 20-somethings for these techniques to be effective.

We teach children and parents in City1 state via seminars and training classes the skills they need to stay safe and defend themselves, if attacked.

We also offer parents information on how keep their family safe via our free family safety toolkit, family safety information products and our family self defense blog.